Airedale Way

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Statistics and Files
Start: Leeds
Distance: 47 miles (76 km)
Grid Ref: SE299333
Climbing: 1,115 metres
Walk time: 18-23 hours
Days: 2-4

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Airedale Way long distance footpath follows the River Aire from Leeds to the source of the river in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales. From start to finish the walk passes through, or goes close to, Upper Armley, Kirkstall, Sandford, Newlay, Apperley Bridge, Esholt, Charlestown, Shipley, Saltaire, Nab Wood, Bingley, Thwaites, Keighley, Glusburn, Skipton, Gargrave, Airton, Kirkby Malham, Malham and Malham Cove to reach Malham Tarn.

Useful Links:
Airedale Way Guide Book
Long Distance Walkers Association

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